means.approximation.lna package


class means.approximation.lna.lna.LinearNoiseApproximation(model)[source]

Bases: means.approximation.approximation_baseclass.ApproximationBaseClass

A class to performs Linear Noise Approximation of a model.

Initialise the approximation.

Parameters:model (Model) – Model to approximate

Overrides the default _run() private method. Performs the complete analysis :return: A fully computed set of Ordinary Differential Equations that can be used for further simulation :rtype: ODEProblem


A wrapper around LinearNoiseApproximation. It performs linear noise approximation (MEA).

Returns:an ODE problem which can be further used in inference and simulation.
Return type:ODEProblem

Module contents

Linear Noise Approximation

This part of the package implements Linear Noise Approximation as described in [Komorowski2009].


>>> from means.approximation.lna.lna import lna_approximation
>>> from means.examples.sample_models import MODEL_P53
>>> ode_problem = lna_approximation(MODEL_P53)
>>> print ode_problem

The result is an means.core.problems.ODEProblem. Typically, it would be further used to perform simulations (see simulation) and inference (see inference).

  1. Komorowski, B. Finkenstadt, C. V. Harper, and D. A. Rand,”Bayesian inference of biochemical kinetic parameters using the linear noise approximation,”BMC Bioinformatics, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 343, Oct. 2009.